Our Investment Approach

We typically provide a balanced approach to different investment products, incorporating a mix of stocks, exchange traded funds (ETFs), mutual funds, and bonds.  However, we will adjust our recommendations depending on what best serves your needs. 

Although we're keen on taking a fee-based approach, we understand that it's not appropriate for all situations.  We will inform you of your investment options and then help you decide what may work best for your situation.  


Periodic ReviewsGraphic with arrows in circle symbolizing ongoing reviews

We understand that both your life and the financial markets will change over time.  By periodically checking in to discuss changes in your life and revisiting your strategy, we can help make sure your plan stays consistent with your goals.

We try to touch base once a quarter to see how you and the family are doing.  We will schedule meetings at least annually (or at your convenience) to review your financial documents, account performance, tax statements, and any changes to your financial and life goals.

We like to meet face to face with clients, not necessarily in the office, but in other environments for lunch or coffee, or to go golfing, boating, or participate in other activities.  We feel this helps develop trust in the relationship.